Structured presentation leads you to find your solution, step-by-step
Posted on November 2, 2013 by KVMGalore | 0 comments
Zeroing in on your desired solution, KVMGalore presents you with product information in three levels:
Product-Line Page (Cubes)
Once you click on a clickable menu-item (see menus), you are presented with the product-line page - cubes of product-families, all pertaining to the selected product-line.

Each cube provides a brief description of the products in it, a representative product-image along with the manufacturer's logo. The starting price in the product-family (that pertains to the selected product-line) is also displayed for your convenience.
Click the View button (or the product-family name, or the product-family image) and you are presented with the family page.
Family Page
The family page presents a list of all products in the product-family that match the clicked menu-item (product-line), providing a more-elaborate description of the products in the product-family, along with a larger image.
Each product listings shows a product image, model number and price.

Click the product's name (or image, or price) to bring up the product page and learn about the product in greater detail, including blow-up images, product specifications, related items and more (see product presentation).
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