FreeFlow ‘magical’ computer switching
Posted on October 4, 2013 by KVMG-CMS | 0 comments
FreeFlow automated mouse switching - just glide the cursor across screens!
FreeFlow - Automated mouse switching is a unique technology from Adder - the experts in connectivity.
FreeFlow technology is automated mouse switching, designed to work with Command & Control Switch to allow users to automatically switch between target computers simply by moving the mouse pointer from screen to screen.
FreeFlow represents true innovation in KVM switching. For the first time, FreeFlow allows users to automatically switch between target computers simply by moving the mouse pointer from screen to screen. Its seamless cursor and keyboard switching allows the user to change automatically from one computer system to another as the mouse cursor crosses display borders, without having to push any buttons. Every system remains visible on its own display, continuously and simultaneously.

CCS4-USB Command & Control Switch
What makes this such a revolution is that you no longer need software to be installed on your mission critical computers in order to work. FreeFlow resides on the Command & Control Switch itself, sensing screen boundaries and instantaneously switching keyboard and mouse to the defined target computer. FreeFlow can be configured for almost any combination of screens using the included application which allows you to rapidly and visually position screens and alter individual screen sizes.
In use, FreeFlow allows you to glide your cursor from screen to screen allowing the user to almost forget they are working across multiple different computers. Using the included management application, your screen setup can be configured in almost any way you choose.
FreeFlow technology is made possible by another unique Adder technology, that of USB True Emulation. USB True Emulation allows instantaneous switching of USB devices between computers delivering a perfectly smooth transition from one computer to the next.
FreeFlow Features ...
- Management software, designed to allow fast device setup. Once set, FreeFlow resides in firmware only.
- Scaleable screen sizes to deliver proportional edge detection.
- Instantaneous switching.
- Easy duplication of screen configuration.
- Switch - keyboard, mouse, USB and audio ports via Command & Control Switch.
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