KVM Splitter

Posted on September 21, 2013 by KVMGalore   |  0 comments

KVM splitterKVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) splitter (also known as Reverse KVM) is a computer sharing device that enables multiple users to share the use of a single computer - each from their own consoles (monitor, keyboard, and mouse).

Being that a computer can be controlled only by one user at-a-time, the KVM splitter manages such control either automatically (on a timeout basis) or manually via a switch controlled by a user, thus allowing only one KVM console to be 'active' at any one time.

Typically, the computer's video still displays on the inactive console's screen, making a KVM splitter ideal for training environments where a second user must be shown how to perform specific tasks.

Another KVM splitter application manifests itself in a KVM extender that supports dual-access (or local-access), allowing accessing and controlling a computer from two consoles (one at-a-time), one being local (in proximity to the computer) and another extended away from the computer.