Multiview KVM switch

Posted on May 18, 2014 by KVMG-CMS   |  2 comments

A multiview KVM switch controls multiple computers with all videos showing on one screen

Multiview KVM switch

A split-screen multiview KVM switch controls multiple computers from one console while splitting the monitor into sections, then individually and simultaneously displaying video from connected computers on each section of the screen, with all videos showing on one screen.

A typical KVM switch allows a user to have just one console and to use it to control multiple computers. When the user wants to use computer "A" – the user uses the KVM switch to switch to it. Now the console is interacting with computer "A" only. Remaining connected computers are still working, but the user is not interacting with them.

When the user is done using computer "A" and now wants to use computer "B" – the user switches to it using the KVM switch. The console is now interacting with computer "B" only, while the rest of the connected computers continue to be working only without any human interaction.

This typical KVM switch displays only the video of the selected computer (the computer the user is controlling at any given time) on the screen.


But what if you must view the video of all connected computers on one screen at the same time?

Multiview KVM split-screen

A multiview KVM switch (AKA split-screen KVM switch; multiviewer KVM; combiner KVM) achieves this goal.

A multiview KVM switch features an option to split the console's screen into separate section where each section is displaying video coming from a different computer, either in a tile form or in independent cascading windows. The multiviewer accepts video from multiple computers, scales and sizes each picture, then outputs each video individually or as windows on the console's display. Each of the windows can be individually scaled and positioned on the screen as desired.

A 4-port multiview KVM switch (AKA quad screen KVM splitter), for example, can split the console's screen into four sections, displaying the video of each of the 4 computer on one quarter of the screen.

Multiview KVM tile split-screen (right); Cascade windows (left)

Multiviewers are the perfect solution in situations where a user needs to monitor several sources at the same time.

Multiview KVM switches are used in applications that require real-time monitoring of multiple devices, such as in NOCs and control-desk applications, where real-time multiple video sources need to be selected, switched and displayed on a large screen or video wall, with independent keyboard, mouse or touch screen control over the video source devices.

In air traffic control environments, for example, several computers are required to monitor the progress of flights and flight information. With a multiviewer KVM switch, the user is able to manage each computer and monitor the progress without having to switch between sources, making it the perfect solution for multitasking.

Multiviewers are also commonly used in broadcast environments, transport control centers, weather stations and training or board rooms.

Need help? Call KVMGalore at 1-800-636-3434 or submit your question.

Categories: A/V Switches, KVM Switches

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  1. Ben

    hello, is it possible to hook this up so all screens work off the keyboard/mouse simultaneously?

    or do you know of any products that can do this?

    • KVMGalore


      A MultiView KVM switch is designed to display videos from multiple computers on just one screen, while controlling all connected computers with just one keyboard/mouse.

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